Create a Club!

Would you like to involve others in the community in your hobby or interest? 

Barnesville First United Methodist Church is offering small grants to create short-term clubs in the summer or early fall. Funds can be used for supplies, prizes, and to compensate the leader. In addition to the grants, the church will provide space, advertise, and help with registration. Clubs held on Wednesday evenings will have childcare available for leaders and participants.

Any activity will be considered from coloring to robotics (see the suggestion list below). 

Deadline for application: June 6

Submit applications using the form at the bottom of this page.


What is required? 

Clubs must follow the church policies for groups that include children:

  • Background screening for leaders (the church will pay for this)
  • Review of church policy regarding reporting
  • Two adults present whenever children are present (we will find a second adult if needed)
  • In addition, please begin each session with a prayer from the leader or a volunteer.

Who can lead a club?

  • Any adult wiling to follow church policy. You don't have to be a member of the church.

Why is the church offering these grants?

  • The purpose of the grants are to address the impact of Covid-19 on our community. This has hit members of our community in so many ways. We want fun ways for people to connect. We especially want to help children and youth who have had fewer opportunities to socialize together or participate in learning activities.

Club Ideas

We give priority to clubs that engage children and youth, however any club that includes multiple generations will be considered. Here are some ideas:

  • A lego building club, with prizes each week.
  • A magic club with each week learning a new trick, and a performance at the end of the summer.
  • A Harry Potter book club, discussing each book or movie. Eat Bertie Botts jelly beans and drink butterbeer of course.
  • An art club, learning to draw or paint, with an art show at the end
  • A drama club, in which the kids learn the parts of a play, make costumes and backdrops, and perform.
  • A handbells club, with kids learning to play bells and then performing a piece on Sunday morning
  • A cooking club
  • Scrapbooking club
  • Maker Space club, each week making / building something different.

All Ages Clubs:

  • Line dancing club
  • Yoga  classes, just bring your mat

  • Scrapbooking club

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