Gifts of cash or checks are the most common form of giving to the church.
You can put cash in the offering envelopes located in the pews & complete the front of the envelope with your name, as well as the designation for the gift, so the business office can give you credit on your contribution statement.
Your check can be made to BFUMC. Please designate on the bottom left corner of your check if this is for a specific purpose, such as a special offering.
You can specify that a gift is made in honor or memory of someone. When gifts are made in memory or honor, they are publicized in the subsequent monthly edition of the Steeple Chimes newsletter.
Cash and checks may be put in the offering plate on Sundays or dropped off by the Church Office during the week. Checks may be mailed to Barnesville First United Methodist Church, 375 Thomaston Street, Barnesville, GA 30204. If you have any questions about giving, please email Lanie Long or call the Church Office at 770-358-1494.