Sheltering in Place

It's a difficult time for kids AND parents. All of a sudden our schedules are upside down and inside out. 

We want to help families through the craziness. 

Sometimes a familiar face or voice reminds can bring comfort. Encourage your child to watch the children's sermon on  the church facebook on Sundays at 9:30 am. 

Our curriculum provider is allowing us to share on a password-protected page the videos and worksheets we use on Sunday morning. We love the Holy Moly stories. Get the password from the church office, and enjoy watching videos at our secret page


How else can we help you through this season? Be sure that the church office has your email and cell, so that you aren't left out of zoom pajama parties or the car ride scavenger hunt.

a place for


Children are an important part of our congregation. Jesus wanted children near him. They are not just the church of the future but part of the present body of Christ.


We welcome children in all worship services. God put the wiggle in children…don’t feel like you need to suppress this in God’s house.

Sunday School

We meet at 10:00 am in the Children’s classroom for Holy Moly! Each lesson invites kids into the story with animated Bible story retellings, reinforces the lesson through the colorful pages of the Bible Storybooks, and encourages creativity with activities that bring the stories to life.

we really worship

Children’s Worship

Children learn by participating in worship. It’s amazing how they pick up the Apostle’s Creed or a praise song. Even more important, by the welcome of the congregation, they know that they are a beloved part of the church. That’s why we encourage parents to bring children to worship.


An hour is a long time for some of us to sit! We’ve put a lot of thought into how children learn, which is why after the children’s sermon, children can go to the children’s classrooms for age appropriate worship. Older children focus on hearing and telling the story, using Godly Play Montessori style learning. Preschool children not only hear the story, they play, sing and dance the story!

more than Sunday nights

Wednesday evenings

We enjoy eating dinner with families and friends in the Fellowship Hall at 5:45, then times to grow and learn at 6:30

Older Children (2nd -5th grade)  

We'll meet at 6:30  the 3rd floor, where Mrs. Lynn Parker is leading us on a Route 66 journey through the 66 books of the Bible.  Afterwards, we move to the choir room for music with Mrs. Susan Allen.

Younger Children (3s Preschool - 1st Grade)

We meet with Mrs. Carol Taylor at 6:30 for activities and lessons. 

The Nursery

A nursery, located on the Children’s Hall, is available on Sundays  from 8:45 am – 12:15 pm and on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 for babies and toddlers up to 3 years old.


All nursery workers have been through safe sanctuary training, First Aid / CPR classes, and have had background checks. Our priority is the safety of children.

Secondary Title

Are children welcome in worship?

YES! The way we welcome children affects the way they respond to the church, to God, and to one another. We want every person to know that they are welcome!


At the 9:00 service, during the first song, children get battery operated candles from the back table and take these to the altar table. Everyone has a part in shining the light of Christ.


Children learn best by copying you. At the 11:00 service, show your child how to find a Bible passage or hymn page number.

Is there a children's sermon?

Pastor Cyndi always shares a time with the children during the worship services. We admit it...the grown ups enjoy this too!