May 19, 2021

Masking Guidelines for Individuals & Groups

We follow the guidelines of the CDC in determining how we are responding to the COVID-19 levels in our community. 

Following the recommendations of the CDC and the cases in Lamar County, we encourage wearing  masks and practicing social distancing for all gatherings in the building. (Staff and volunteers can determine whether this is needed in their room.)

We urge everyone to get vaccinated and to follow the CDC guidelines. Remember that vaccinations, masks, and social distancing protect yourself AND those with whom you interact.

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Why do we wear masks and social distance?

We commit to protecting one another. This is about more than each individual's willingness to take on risk for themselves. The larger the gathering, and the more closely seated together, the greater the risk created for others present.

Many of those who volunteer or are church employees do not have access to the vaccine and/or have family members who do not have access to the vaccine. Limiting attendance and spread out seating lowers the risk for those without this protection.

March 2, 2021

Sherry Farr

Sherry Farr, Director of the Lamar County Health Department, gives an update at a recent vaccination drive-through. What health precautions are needed now that vaccinations are available? Click on her picture or click here to watch the video.

Click on the map for Lamar County data

How Does The Health and Wellness Team Decide on Gathering Inside?

Rather than being shaped by the news cycle or responding to activity in other parts of the state, we are applying Lamar County guidelines available here.

  • Green: No restrictions
  • Yellow: Gather indoors with precautions
  • Orange: Outside gatherings. Inside worship limited to worship leaders and a few participants (10 in sanctuary, 5 in Fellowship Hall).
  • Red: No inside or outside gatherings.

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Sunday, Sunday!

Thank you to Jeanie Enyart who is helping us to get ready for Sunday with this creative and fun video

Our precautions are serious, requiring everyone to wear masks, make reservations, and remain six feet apart. Every precaution is an act of love and taken with great joy!

July 19, 2020

Interview of Sean Parker

Sean Parker is a member of Barnesville First UMC and a health care professional working in Upson County. Watch and share the video here.

Sean describes the current conditions related to Covid-19 in our area, and how this has impacted him and family members. He even gives a few tips for those who have a hard time wearing a mask (9:10).

Thank you Sean Parker for your insights, and for serving on the Health and Wellness Team.

July 2, 2020

Live streaming begins July 12

The church will begin live streaming worship from the sanctuary on July 12 at 10:00 am on YouTube (available to watch in progress and afterwards) and Zoom (10:00 only).

For the first two services, July 12 and 19, the sanctuary will be limited to the worship and production leaders.

Read the full newsletter article here.

June 24, 2020

Survey Results: Part 2

Read the full report here, with how we are addressing your suggestions and questions:

  • Does the air conditioning system present a risk? Do we need to have an air purifier? 
  • Should disinfectant wipes also be available at the entrance to the sanctuary?
  • Will there be bulletins?
  • Temp checks & ushers to ask leave if high.
  • No removal of mask. If to blow nose, leave. Ushers to ask leave if multiple sneezing, sniffling, coughing.
  • Mask must cover nose & mouth.

June 18, 2020

Survey Results - Part 1

You have shared many concerns in the survey and ideas for how the Health and Wellness Team can address these. A summary of your responses is here.

Using your input, we have set a target worship service in mid-July, assuming that conditions in Lamar County are conducive to gathering in person.

June 2, 2020

Church survey

The Health and Wellness Team invites your participation in a survey of the congregation. The survey is in this week's mailed Steeple Chimes and call also be accessed here where then link is available.

May 28, 2020

Health & Wellness Team

The Health and Wellness Committee shapes and then guides the process for in-person ministry at Barnesville First United Methodist Church. Thank you to our team:

  • Leesa Woodall (chair), 
  • Jim Ozier, Head Usher
  • Wayne Cook, Worship Committee Chair
  • Dr. Lee Woodall,
  • Sean Parker, medical practitioner in Upson County.
  • Kris Thomas, Trustee

In addition to their experience and skills, every one of them has great love for God and for the people of our church and community. Please be in prayer for them and our church.

Read more in the May 28 newsletter.

April 22, 2020

Guidance from the Conference

Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson and our Conference Cabinet have consulted with experts in public health and the medical field on how churches might prepare to offer in-person worship again. 

They continue to add resources to the guidelines (read here).

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